Class X-Our Environment-Vasu Classes

1. Which one of the following is an artificial ecosystem?

2. In a food chain, the third trophic level is always occupied by

3. An ecosystem includes

4. In the given food chain, suppose the amount of energy at the fourth trophic level is 5 kJ, what will be the energy available at the producer level?
Grass → Grasshopper → Frog → Snake → Hawk

5. Accumulation of non-biodegradable pesticides in the food chain in increasing amount at each higher trophic level is known as

6. Depletion of ozone is mainly due to

7. Organisms which synthesise carbohydrates from inorganic compounds using radiant energy are called

8. In an ecosystem, the 10% of energy available for transfer from one trophic level to the next is in the form of

9. Organisms of a higher trophic level which feed on several types of organisms belonging to a lower trophic level constitute the

10. Flow of energy in an ecosystem is always

11. Excessive exposure of humans to UV-rays results in

12. In the following groups of materials, which group (s) contains only non-biodegradable items?

13. Which of the statement is incorrect?

14. Which group of organisms are not constituents of a food chain?

15. The percentage of solar radiation absorbed by all the green plants for the process of photosynthesis is about

16. What will happen if deer is missing in the food chain given below? Grass → Deer → Tiger

17. If a grasshopper is eaten by a frog, then the energy transfer will be from

18. Disposable plastic plates should not be used because

19. Which of the two sets belong to the same trophic level?

20. Which of these is a greenhouse gas?

21. Which of the following are environment friendly practices?

22. Which of the following is an example of herbivores?

23. The number of atoms of oxygen present in ozone are

24. Every food chain in the ecosystem begins with………. which are the original source of food.

25. Which among the following is a correct full form for DDT?

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